As a representative of TruStage Life of Canada, your responsibility is to:

The Value Behind Helping Families Pre-Arrange

Emotional Value
Helping a consumer pre-arrange their funeral provides endless emotional value to that consumer and their family. The consumer’s family won’t have to wonder if they chose the right goods and services, and they won’t have wonder if they did the right thing. Pre-arranged funerals allow families to focus on celebrating their loved one’s life rather than being bogged down with the emotional burden that comes with planning a funeral service from start to finish.

Financial Value
Helping a consumer pre-arrange their funeral also provides financial value. Many consumers don’t realize that TLOC offers multiple payment plans as well as insurance protection for the unexpected loss of a loved one. Preplanning and paying for a funeral in advance removes the potential burden of unexpected funeral costs from family members. Pre-arranged funerals also eliminate the chance of hasty financial decisions during a time of grief and unclear thinking.

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TruStage Life of Canada PO Box 79010 Concord PO Concord, ON L4K 4S8 | 1-888-977-3752 |